Friday, September 18, 2009


OK so I'm not going to bore you with the every day to day things we did in Vegas, but I'll tell you the quick version and then show you pics. The flight down there was good, the flight back was not b/c of the rain we were about and hour behind schedule. We only lost about $100 which is good. were not big gamblers so i didn't think we would win or loose big. We went and saw a show b/c it was free, we saw the criss angel was HORRIBLE. Cab driver said its one of the worst shows out there, so we were pretty sad about that one. Went and saw the tigers and dolphins at our hotel. Layed out by the pool. Walked, walked, walked, walked and walked. Steven was not a happy camper about all the walking. All in all we had a great trip and a great first year of marriage together. Oh yeah my husband did pull a fast one on me...he walked me into Tiffany's to get my anniversary gift, even though we said no gifts....i love it, its a ring I've been wanting. HE is the best!!!

The volcano in front of our hotel


My $18 pina coloda, but it was really good

What every girl wants and loves

our pool

Steven just had to have his picture taken in front of this

the Beatles show we wanted to see

front of hotel

our room

this was a real guy


i love frogs

i love the glass flowers

1 comment:

  1. What a good hubby!! I'd take anything from Tiffany's...even just an empty box haha.
