Monday, September 7, 2009

One year down....

On Sunday the 6th, Steven and I celebrated our one year anniversary. I had to work :( but i knew i would b/c of labor day. In order for me to get holiday pay i had to either work the day before or the day after and since we leave for Vegas on Tuesday, well you get the picture. But Sundays are short so it wasn't too bad. When i got home we cooked out some pork chops with baked potatoes, green beans and salad. We decided not to get each other anything b/c our trip would be our gift to each other. You know they say the first year you are supposed to give something with we got each other plane tickets...ha ha. Steven did send me some flowers the week before at work, for an early anniversary and for taking care of him when he was thoughtful. So i gave him a little something, a i -Tunes card...Steven never really wants much but the boy loves his music. So here is a pic of the pretty flowers i got.

So we are headed to Vegas tomorrow, we are taking Sam to the vet to stay there while we are gone. I'm a little sad we have to take him there but i don't really have anyone else to watch him...and its not like all he does is sleep. He is a very playful puppy and needs full attention. So that's all I'm going to say about it b/c i really don't want to think about it. Steven's mom is going to go get him Friday so that way he'll be home when we get in Friday night. can't wait for that. But i got out my suit case the other day to start my packing and this morning as i was laying out all my stuff, Sam kept crawling under the bed and barking at me and then i turned around and he was sitting in my suit case....i told him i would try to sneak him with us, but that i didn't think dad would go for that....

Until next time....hope everyone has a great week. I'll have tons of pictures when we get back.

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