Monday, June 29, 2009

VEGAS here we come!

So Steven and I finally decided to go to Vegas for our 1yr anniversary. Steven has never been, I went when I turned 21, my mom and dad took me. Had a blast, but i think I will have more fun this time. I can't wait for Steven to experience it. We booked our trip last week. We are going the second week of Sept and are staying 3 nights at the Mirage. We also got 2 free tickets to a show....which i was super pumped about. Bc if you have ever been, the show tickets can get pretty pricey. So we are going to go see a Cirque Du Soleil show. Its at the Bellagio hotel. I can't wait to see this show. So know i have to start shopping to see what I'm going to take. Bare with me the next 2 months as i get more excited to go.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

POP Quiz

I got this from Burchett family

Pop Quiz

What are your middle names?

Steven - Paul Lauren - Rene

♥How long have you been together?

we dated 9 months before we got engaged. engaged for 7 months. married for 10 months.

♥How long did you know each other before you started dating?

we went to High school together and his sister was my best friend growing up so...11 years

♥Who asked who out?

steven asked me

♥Who said I love you first?

he did but i was fixing to say it, i kinda got it out of him... ha ha

♥How old are each of you?

26 and 27

♥Whose siblings do/did you see the most?


♥Do you have any children together?


♥What about pets?

no pets yet...he promises me a dog after sept. wait unless fish count..if they do then 6

♥Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

I want to be home when steven's home, he has off all weekend and gets off at 5. so our days off aren't always the same

♥Are you from the same hometown?

i say yes, but he really grew up in burk

♥Who is the most sensitive?


♥Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Red lobster

♥Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?


♥Who does the cooking?

I do, but steven helps

♥Who is the most social?

most people would say me, but once you get steven going....

♥Who is the neat-freak?

we both are, but him more then me and thats scary

♥Where was your first date?

he cooked out at his apartment

♥Who has the bigger family?


♥Do you get flowers often?

sometimes...but there not needed

♥Who is more jealous?

umm, neither

♥Who’s better with the computer?

i am...i'm on it everyday

♥Who picks where you go to dinner?

we both do, but neither one of us ever want to

♥Who eats more sweets?

I do, steven is not a big sweets eater

♥Who cries more?

me, but i haven't in a long time
The night steven and I got engaged!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I love those Rug Rats

Last Week my mom and dad had the grand kids and took them on a vacation for part of the week and then for the other part they hung out at Granna and Grandy's house(aka Mom and dad). So Thursday night Steven and i went out to eat dinner and hang out with them. Whew!!!! i was tired when we got home at 10. Mom made a pot roast, with carrots, green beans, corn on the cob, and mac and cheese. Oh and she also had cantaloupe. YUMMY!!!! It was so good. So after we ate, mom and dad said we'll clean the kitchen and yall can take the kids to the park. (which is really the school, mom and dad live about a block from it) All those years in high school when we lived out on the ranch, I begged them to move to town and they never did; now i don't live there and they move to town. What's up with that? Anyway sorry, back to the story. Took the kids to the park...they had so much fun and of course i took the camera along too.

These are my favorite 3 rug rats.
Alexis(8) Cole(10) and Cooper(6)

Cooper climbing the rock wall, with uncle Steven helping just in case.

Alexis and Cole climbing the rock wall, I can never get a picture without Cole making a silly face.

Then we decided to try the sea-saw out, wow, a little scary with these 3.
Once cooper was done, she would just jump off and send either her flying into the air or the other person on the other end flying to the air. WOW. I had to finally tell her to slow down.

Then she decided to climb the goal post, I asked if she needed some help and she said "NO" and boy was she right, look at her go! All by herself.

Then Alexis tried to do it, but she needed a little help from Uncle Steven. HA HA Cole tried too but he needed my help, and lets just say glad there wasn't a picture taken of that one.

Next, we tried out the swings and i thing that's were everyone had the most fun. First Steven and I started out pushing all of them and then we decided to join in on the fun. Here's Uncle Steven and Cole swinging together. You know I used to be Cole's favorite, well lets just say that all changed when Steven and I got married. He loves his Uncle Steven, they love to X BOX it up.

Before we went back home, i had to get a group picture minus Steven b/c he had to take it. The deal is when we take a group picture is a good one first and then a silly one, or else you never know what you will get for the good one. So here's the good one...(nice red faces we have, it was hot outside)

and here's the goofy one. Crazy kids, but i love them!

We had a blast hanging out with them, when we got back we had sugar cookies that the kids made the night before and they decorated them too. They were yummy too. Then we decided to play skip-bo, its a card game. It was 10 times better playing with the kids. The stuff they do and say, they could keep me laughing all night long. So after a few games, we decided to head home. Told everyone bye and went home. oh yeah ---Anytime when Cole is there and Steven leaves he always says bye uncle Steven, I love you! ha ha and Steven always says bye, and Cole just keeps saying it until Steven will say it back. So mom told me the next day that Cole kept saying it and Steven said love you too. Awww, mom said i think that made Cole's day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A to Z

OK so I'm taking a blog idea from Kim.

A -Age: 26
B- Bed Size: Queen but we need a King so bad, Steven is so long and doesn't really fit on a queen. So we have both decided that when we get a new house we get a new bed...can't wait.
C- Chore you hate: Dishes...i will do everything else, but i hate the dishes even though i still do them.
D- Dog's Name: none at the moment...but hopefully that will all change in Sept.
E- Essential starts to your day: give me 30 min to myself and I'll make it.
F- Favorite Color: blue but red really looks good on me
G- Gold, Silver, or Platinum: silver
H- Height: 5'5
I- Instruments you play: used to play the flute but not anymore
J- Job Title: Retail Wireless Consultant
K- Kids: none, just plenty of nieces and nephews
L-Living Arrangements: With my husband in Wichita Falls
M- Moms name: Deanna
N- Nicknames: Lar Lar(family) Lo (friends)
O- Overnight stay in the hospital other then Birth: I had tubes put in my ear when i a couple months old and then i had hernia surgery
P- Pet Peeve: People that cut you off when your talking to them, people that don't have manners and people who smack their gum, cough or sneeze in you face and don't cover theirs....yuck
Q- Quote from a movie: "I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else" - The Wedding Date
R- Right or Left handed: Right
S- Siblings: Half brother- Garrett, Half sister - Megan, 3 step brothers - Courtney, Cody and Hayden
T- Time you wake up: it all depends on when i work but normally 8
U- Underwear: umm yes
V- Vegetable you dislike: brussel sprouts
W- Ways you run late: I honestly don't run late most of the time, now there are some times it happens, but i grew up with my mom and dad being early anywhere we went
X- X-rays you've had: Teeth, wrist
Y- Yummy food you make: I make some really good desserts, which i thought would help me in my marriage but funny thing is, my husband doesn't like sweets very much.
Z-Zoo Favorite: penguins and fish if they have them

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lots to talk about

Here we go... Steven and I left last Tuesday to go down to San Antonio to go see some friends from high school. Steven and I stayed in a hotel right on the river walk. It was so nice. It was called Hotel Contessa...a little pricey but very nice. They have a pool on the top floor of the hotel, which Steven and i tried out Thursday afternoon. But on wed we met up at a Mexican restaurant on the river walk with my friend Matt and his wife Mary (by the way love those two to pieces) and Steven's friend Chuck and his girlfriend Daisy( met Daisy for the first time and she is super sweet and fun, but then again you have to be to keep up with chuck). Chuck and Steven graduated together and Matt and i graduated together but were all very close in high school. So after eating we went to a place called Howl at the Moon. Its a piano bar, much like Pete's. We had the best time catching up and have drinks and laughs. Here are a few pictures.

My friend Matt and his wife Mary

The Girls: Daisy, Mary and Me

The Boys: Steven, Chuck and Matt

On Thursday we walked around the river walk, the mall, the Alamo and the went to the pool. Ate some really good food and just relaxed. Friday morning we got up and left to go San Marcos to have lunch with my grandmother. Since we were passing though i thought it would be great to eat lunch with her since I'm not down here much. So we stopped at a burger place and ate a good lunch. Then we drove to Lacey and Jared house because on Sat was Caine's first birthday!!! When we got there on Friday we hung out with them and Steven's parents and then Lacey and i decided to lay out by the pool for a while. Steven's mom cooked dinner that night and then we all played a dice game called greedy game. Saturday was the big birthday party!!! We let caine open up his presents before he took his nap and then afterwards we would have cake and ice cream. While caine took his nap we all deiced to go play pool volleyball. Me, Steven, Lacey, Jared, Emilee and Adam. Fun games boys beat us but we also said they cheated. ha ha well during the last game of volleyball, i did something to my back and it started to hurt. Didn't think much of it, just probably sore from playing....wrong pulled muscle as we found out later. get to that later. Had cake and ice cream and watched caine be the center of everything, its so much fun when you have a little one around to entertain you. here are some pics of him over the weekend. can't believe is already one. Lacey and Jared... you have one cute kid and yall have done one heck of a job!!!

Caine checking out the car Steven and i got him

Took him a little bit to get into it.

Eating his birthday cake!

We got Caine a Texas shirt like ours, it was so cute. Even thought Steven's not smiling, i think Lacey got one of him smiling.

Love this Kid!!!!

Oh yeah about my back, Steven made me go see a Dr. when we got back into town yesterday and the Dr said a either really strained in it or pulled it. But she gave me a huge shot in my butt and then gave to different things to take for it. It hurts so bad...and laying in bed and on the couch doesn't really help it. Oh and to top that off when were gone this week, someone stole my potted plants off my front porch.....who does that...oh it made me so mad. They were nice pots too.