Monday, March 23, 2009

My early birthday present

OK so i know my birthday is like 3 weeks away, but i got my birthday present from my husband this weekend, and boy was it a good one. It was exactly what i wanted. I think i only mention it one time. Steven is good about remembering what i want and he does it being so sneaky.

So we went to Southlake this weekend to take Cole back and to do a little bit of shopping. When we pulled into Southlake, Dad, Cole and Steven dropped us off at this store called Charming Charlies. This store was great, if you haven't gone there, then go. So my mom and i went in and looked around and then the guys came in later once they parked the car. So we walked around and did a little shopping and then we went to eat at Saltgrass with Cole's mom and Logan. After we ate we headed home. We got home and took a shower and relaxed. Before we went to bed Steven wanted to make a tuna sandwich. As he did that i was trying to get ready for bed, and as he was making the sandwich, i said that sandwich really stinks, and he was like yeah it does, can you go get the spray out of the closet. So i went and opened the closet got the spray out, dropped it, picked it back up and went to spray the kitchen. I went back to the closet to put the spray up and was fixing to shut the door, when Steven said something to me, and it made me look down and there was a beautiful site.

I love it and it is so pretty!!! He is so sneaky, so come to find out, even though he wouldn't tell me(my mom told me, but she wasn't supposed to, she slipped) but he got it when we were in that charming charlie store.

I love Spring

I really do love spring time. I love the cool weather, the rainy nights and the flowers. Speaking of flowers, my mom and i decided to plant some tulips in the front flower bed to see how well they do. I must admit, i was a little nervous, b/c i didn't think they were going to come up, but i was so excited to see them start popping out of the ground. So i took some pictures so you can see my work. Everyday i go out and look at them, they are so pretty and everyday i have more and more pop up. So enjoy.

This is my first one

This is my second one

And here is a bunch of them

Here are some other flower i have

Monday, March 16, 2009

Its been a while

OK so i know i haven't blogged in a while...i haven't really had anything crazy going on that i need to talk about. Its been pretty quite in the Wuthrich household. Steven and i are in the process of getting new doors for the house. We have those old wood doors that are ugly. So we are going to get the doors that have the panels, much more up to date then the old ones. So I will get to paint those when Derek(Katie's talented husband) gets done with them. Once that is done we are going to do some stuff in the back yard. We have a walk way in the back yard that goes to our car port and it is just rocks and it drives me crazy, b/c i can not walk on it to save my life, especially in high heels, which i do wear very often b/c as you all know Steven so dang tall, i have to wear them so i don't feel so short. So we are going to get that paved, so i will stop complaining. ha ha
We are also going to plant some bushes in the back yard, we have 3 flower beds back there and they don't have anything in them, so we are just going to put some green bushes, so it doesn't look so plain back there. I love flowers and plants in yards, it just makes the house look that much better, i think. I'm so excited to see the red tulips that i planted with my mom back in Jan, they are all starting to come up and some are fixing to bloom. I will put pics up as soon as they do.

My nephew Cole is coming to stay the night on Friday night with Steven and i for the first time, and he is super excited. he called me last night and said he was ready to X-box it up with Uncle Steven. ha ha he loves him so much. and then he wanted to talked to Steven about the games they are going to play. So Friday night should be a night full of fun and laughs. Cole is so funny sometimes. When i got done talking to him last night, he said "love you" and i said "love you too", and then he said "love you both" ahhhh, that kid is great, he is so sweet.
OK well i can't think of anything else, so hope everyone has a great week.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Now that the shock is over!

OK so as everyone knows Jason the Bachelor chose Molly in the end, and I know that 90% of my friends were for Melissa. But I ,however; and my friend Kim were for Molly. First of all in the end it doesn't matter who he chose its not our life its his. I understand that what he did to Melissa was hurtful and maybe wrong to do on National TV, but as most people know they said that ABC paid Melissa to do it that way. And when Jason came out there he told Chris that Melissa knew something was up, b/c of the talks that they had previous to the show. And yes i know he broke her heart, but did you ever think that Molly got her heart broken on TV as well just 3 months b/c yall were all pissed off at him for doing a HUMAN thing. This happens in the real world every single day and no one gets pissed off about it. Its the fact that this was on national television that everyone now has an opinion about it. I know that people don't understand Jason's follow your heart speech, but I've been there before and if you are one of my very close friends you know that i had been wrapped up in a similar situation. Its hard to let that person go, but in the end you know its better for you and the people around you. I give Jason big points for doing what he did, i don't care what you say but that takes big guts. He could have been a shumk about it and wrote her a letter or called her on the phone; like most guys do, but he did it face to face....and yeah yeah yeah i know its on TV, but this whole experience was on get over it.

Next fact, these 25 girls all sign up for this show knowing that everything that they do is going to be aired across the world and they have a chance of falling in love and getting engaged or getting the heart broke and stepped on. So in the end don't judge them for what happen and please stop judging them about the clothes they were, pick something else to gripe about. We don't care what you wear whey should we care what they wear. I still love all my friends that wanted Melissa to be there in the end, but life will go on...