Sunday, November 15, 2009

ALL Pictures

Pictures from Wurstfest and going to see our nephew Caine

This band was like the U2 band of wurstfest.

Alice said she wanted my grandmother to adopt her.

My cousins

the butt guy that Alice was trying to pick up

the toy soldier we found

the guy that tried to pick Alice up, he gave her his card

dad and I

my mom and my gammy

my mom is Stevens arm rest

Alice and I

Steven and the chicken hat

caine in his "race car"

so funny

he's such a ham
tyring to get away from taken a pic

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I have been really bad at this thing lately. And I'm normally not like that at all. I promise i will get some pics up soon of our family trip down to south Texas. We had so much fun and Steven finally got to experience Wurstfest in all its on a dance....well you get the picture. We had blast!!!! So i will try really hard to get those pics up either tonight or tomorrow, but probably will be tomorrow.

I've been getting ready for the holidays and even started some of my Christmas shopping. That's always makes me happy when i can get a head start on that so i don't have to fight the crowds.
I'm also getting super excited for the New Moon movie to come out, all the girls at work are going to see it together just like we did on the first one. Also that same day my mom is going to take some pics of Steven and i to use for our Christmas card, so i can got those started too.

Not much else to tell, next time will be all pics i promise.