Monday, August 24, 2009

Trying to get back to normal

so i haven't posted in a while and there are really good reasons for that. First we got SAM (the dog) and we have been playing up a storm with him and trying to get him used to everything around here. 2nd Steven hasn't been feeling very well lately, so I've been trying to get him better. Just a lot of in and out of the Dr.'s office and test here and there. So hopefully that will soon be over and we can get back to normal.

On a much lighter note, we will be in Vegas in 2 weeks!!! I'm so excited. A little sad that we have to leave SAM behind. But Steven and I are both looking forward to getting a little us time. I don't have much else to say so I'll just leave you with some pictures, b/c we all know that's what we look forward too.

I told Steven he could pose for Budweiser

This is what he does when the blinds are down and he wants to go out

SUPER DOG!!!! just got done playing outside and the tile felt good on his belly.
Mom and I at the horse races last month!
Steven and I trying to win big. He broke even, me not so much

Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Puppy

His name is Sam, Steven and I rescued him from a shelter in OK. He is so cute and has the funniest personality. Here are a few pics from our first evening together. Enjoy!!!