Thursday, June 25, 2009

POP Quiz

I got this from Burchett family

Pop Quiz

What are your middle names?

Steven - Paul Lauren - Rene

♥How long have you been together?

we dated 9 months before we got engaged. engaged for 7 months. married for 10 months.

♥How long did you know each other before you started dating?

we went to High school together and his sister was my best friend growing up so...11 years

♥Who asked who out?

steven asked me

♥Who said I love you first?

he did but i was fixing to say it, i kinda got it out of him... ha ha

♥How old are each of you?

26 and 27

♥Whose siblings do/did you see the most?


♥Do you have any children together?


♥What about pets?

no pets yet...he promises me a dog after sept. wait unless fish count..if they do then 6

♥Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

I want to be home when steven's home, he has off all weekend and gets off at 5. so our days off aren't always the same

♥Are you from the same hometown?

i say yes, but he really grew up in burk

♥Who is the most sensitive?


♥Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Red lobster

♥Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?


♥Who does the cooking?

I do, but steven helps

♥Who is the most social?

most people would say me, but once you get steven going....

♥Who is the neat-freak?

we both are, but him more then me and thats scary

♥Where was your first date?

he cooked out at his apartment

♥Who has the bigger family?


♥Do you get flowers often?

sometimes...but there not needed

♥Who is more jealous?

umm, neither

♥Who’s better with the computer?

i am...i'm on it everyday

♥Who picks where you go to dinner?

we both do, but neither one of us ever want to

♥Who eats more sweets?

I do, steven is not a big sweets eater

♥Who cries more?

me, but i haven't in a long time
The night steven and I got engaged!

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